New and Upcoming Tests
Spatial and Abstract Reasoning Test (online)
Coming in 2024

The ERC's Spatial and Abstract Reasoning (SAR) test is an assessment tailored to Irish post-primary schools, offering an evaluation of incoming 1st Year students' spatial and abstract reasoning abilities.
Why Test with the SAR?
Decades of research highlight the link between spatial and abstract reasoning and success in STEM fields both globally and locally in Ireland. The SAR results provide insights to guidance counsellors, helping to highlight students' strengths. Assessing students' performance in spatial and abstract reasoning helps schools to tailor activities that boost these skills.
Key Features of the SAR:
Online Testing: Administered through ERC's user-friendly online platform, DOTS.
Detailed Sections: The SAR is divided into two subtests, each with two sections:
Spatial Reasoning: Reflections and Rotations; Nets and Perspectives.
Abstract Reasoning: Sets of Shapes; Sequences and Patterns.
Timing: The SAR takes approximately one hour, including setup and instructions, ensuring efficient use of class time.
Irish Norms: Normed in 2018, the SAR offers results suited to Irish schools.
Variety of Forms: Students are assigned one of five random assigned test forms to ensure wide content coverage.
Integration with the Drumcondra Reasoning Test: The SAR can be used in conjunction with the DRT (Verbal and Numerical Reasoning) for a more comprehensive evaluation.
Triail Mhatamaitice Dhroim Conrach d’Iar-bhunscoileanna (TMDI)

Eiseofar leagan Gaeilge de Thriail Mhatamaitice Iar-bhunscoile Dhroim Conrach do Ghaelcholáistí in 2024. Measúnú curaclam-bunaithe ar ghnóthachtáil na matamaitice atá sa triail. Tá sé dírithe ar dhaltaí sa téarma deiridh den 2ú bliain san iar-bhunscoil. Tá ábhar na dtrialach ailínithe le snáitheanna Siollabas Matamaitice nua an Teastais Shóisearaigh. Tá na ceisteanna tástála roinnte i gceithre réimse ábhair: Staitisticí & Dóchúlacht, Céimseata, Uimhir & Tomhas, agus Ailgéabar & Feidhmeanna. Déanann an tástáil measúnú freisin ar phróisis chognaíoch na scileanna a bhaineann le Cuimhne agus Cur i bhFeidhm, agus Réiteach Fadhbanna & Réasúnaíochta.
Gnéithe Tástála:
50 ceist ilrogha
Dáileadh cothrom ceisteanna trasna réimse ábhair
Béim ar ardscileanna réasúnaíochta agus réiteach fadhbanna chun siollabas nua a léiriú
Fócas ar chomhthéacsanna fíorsaoil praiticiúla
Baineann gach ceist le toradh foghlama i Siollabas Matamaitice an Teastais Shóisearaigh
Tá na ceisteanna go léir bunaithe ar thopaicí Gnáthleibhéil
Tá áireamhán comhtháite agus bileog na bhfoirmlí san áireamh