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Drumcondra Primary Maths Test 

The New Drumcondra Primary Mathematics Test is a set of curriculum-based standardised assessments of mathematics achievement for primary school pupils in Ireland. Online versions of the test are available for pupils in Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth classes. Test content has been newly developed and standardised, meaning that the norms accurately reflect current achievement levels in Irish schools. 


At each grade level, the online test has three parallel Forms. The New DPMT has a more practical focus than its predecessor, while still covering key content areas and process skills described in the current curriculum. The new test is also shorter than previous versions (50 items, as opposed to 75), to increase pupil engagement and concentration. The diverse population of primary schools in Ireland today is reflected in the contexts used and in the child-friendly, commissioned images.


Schools administering the online tests can generate automated reports immediately after testing, at no extra cost. As well as overall scores, reports provide separate scores for the strands of Number / Algebra, Measures, and Shape & Space / Data & Chance. They also provide a breakdown by process skill, using two subscales: Understand & Implement, and Integrate, Reason & Problem Solve.


  • Standardised on a nationally representative sample in spring 2018

  • Duration: 70 minutes (two sections of 35 minutes each). Allow an extra ~ 10 minutes for login and practice sections, and an extra ~ 10 minutes for the break between sections.

  • Target groups: pupils nearing the end of Third class, Fourth class, Fifth class, and Sixth class

  • Designed for easy group administration

  • Automated scoring and reporting


Test Features

  • 50 multiple-choice questions

  • Test is divided into two sections, each with 25 questions

  • Calculators allowed for second section for Fourth to Sixth class

  • All Content Areas and Process Skills assessed in both sections

  • Emphasis on real-life contexts while still assessing important procedures

  • Maintains predecessor’s focus on higher-order skills i.e. Integrating, Reasoning & Problem Solving


For further details on how the 2023 Primary Curriculum impacts the Drumcondra Mathematics tests, please visit this page.

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