Pupils/students must mark their answers on the answer sheets using pencil only.
After testing, check that pupil identification information has been entered correctly.
Check that there are no stray marks or half-erased answers, and that answer “slots” are properly filled.
Before sending answer sheets for scoring, complete the 24/25 data processing agreement above. This only needs to be completed once per school, for the academic year.
Complete a specific Processing Form for each class for which you want a report and place it on top of the class.
Send your answer sheets with completed processing forms to:
ERC Test Department
66 Richmond Road
D03 E702
There is no need to contact the Test Department ahead of sending the forms in for correction. Invoices will be issued after results have been received by the school.
Please allow 8-12 working days between receipt of answer sheets at the Test Department and the uploading of results to DOTS. Please note that we must have the DPA to begin processing the sheets.​
Answer sheets are not returned to the school. This can be requested, however it may take up to 10 working days.
Documents Required​
Processing Forms:
Machine-scoring Service
Machine-scoring offers a number of benefits to teachers and schools. As well as the more obvious time-saving element, those using the service have access to a reliable scoring system that provides test results in an electronic format via the DOTS site. These results provide not only the basic scores, sTen and percentile for content areas, but also for all subscales where applicable (to see these subscales please go to the individual test page). The service supplies individual and class-level reports, helping teachers identify class-level analyses of achievement and subject areas of concern for individual students. These reports are stored on the DOTS platform and are available for download for 24 months.