Drumcondra Post-Primary Maths Test (Online)
The Drumcondra Post-Primary Maths Test is a curriculum-based assessment of mathematics achievement. It is targeted at students in the final term of 2nd year in post-primary school. The content of the test is aligned with the strands of the new Junior Certificate Mathematics Syllabus. The test questions are divided into four content areas: Statistics & Probability, Geometry, Number & Measure, and Algebra & Functions. The test also assesses the cognitive process skills of Recall & Implement, and Reason & Problem Solve.
Test Features
50 multiple choice questions
Even distribution of questions across content areas
Emphasis on higher-order skills of reasoning and problem solving to reflect new syllabus
Focus on real-life, practical contexts
Each question linked to a learning outcome in the Junior Certificate Mathematics Syllabus
Majority of questions based on Ordinary level topics
Includes an integrated calculator and formulae sheet
Two versions of a maths test for 2nd year have been available in paper format since 2014. The content for the computer-based test has been newly developed and expanded to include four different versions of the test. Schools choosing to administer the Maths test online can also avail of our free automated scoring and reporting options.
Standardised in selected schools in spring 2016
Duration: 60 minutes
Target group: Students near the end of 2nd year in post-primary school
Easy group administration
Automated scoring and reporting