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Study Groups

Drumcondra Reasoning Test (Online)

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The Drumcondra Reasoning Test (DRT) is a well-known test of reasoning that was completely re-developed and expanded in 2016. It is mainly targeted at students soon to start, or who have recently started, 1st year in post-primary school. It assesses Verbal Reasoning, Numeric Ability, and overall reasoning skills.


Test Features

  • Multiple Choice answers

  • 40 items assessing Verbal Reasoning

  • 40 items assessing Numeric Ability

  • Minimal reading requirements for Numeric Ability


Verbal Reasoning assesses the ability to understand, think and reason in and with words. Four types of items contribute to the Verbal Reasoning subtest:

  1. Synonyms

  2. Classifications

  3. Analogies

  4. Antonyms


Numeric Ability requires the student to reason with numbers and to manipulate numerical relationships, and is assessed using four types of items:

  1. Operations with Numbers

  2. Relations among Numbers

  3. Sequential Ordering

  4. Numerical Abstractions

The Numeric Ability test requires minimal understanding of written English and can be administered to students with quite limited English language proficiency.


There are five Forms of the DRT, each of which is randomly assigned to students in a class group, thereby ensuring a wide content coverage and minimising opportunity to copy. Once a test is completed, the ERC DOTS platform automatically scores and scales the results, providing student and class group reports that are directly comparable across Forms. The ERC is also developing an Abstract Reasoning subtest, which will eventually be added to the DRT as an optional add-on. All content was developed in Ireland, specifically for Irish students.

  • Standardised in selected schools in spring and autumn 2016

  • Duration: 60 minutes (including a short break between sections)

  • Target: Students in, or about to start, their 1st year of post-primary school

  • Easy group administration

  • Automated scoring and reporting

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