Drumcondra Post-Primary Maths Test (Paper)
The DPPT-Maths was developed in response to a need for such a test identified by the DES in the National Strategy to Improve Literacy and Numeracy 2011-2020. The DPPT-Maths is based on the Project Maths syllabus for Junior Cycle, and draws on international best practice in assessment to provide a test that is suitable for an Irish context. The test aims to complement a teacher’s observations and assessments of a student’s performance. It gives guidance on strengths, and on the types of difficulties experienced by students. This information can feed into effective planning and learning.
Test Features
45 multiple choice questions
Even distribution of questions across content areas
Emphasis on higher-order skills of reasoning and problem solving
Focus on real-life, practical contexts
Each question linked to a learning outcome in the Project Maths Syllabus
The DPPT-Maths is available at two levels in order to appropriately challenge students of differing ability levels. Form A of each test is designed for students who are likely to take the Junior Certificate Mathematics examination at Ordinary or Foundation levels. Form B is designed for students who are likely to take the Mathematics exam at Higher level. In practice, either form of the test can be used, except for very low achievers (who should complete Form A) and very high achievers (who should complete Form B).
The DPPT- Maths can be administered to class or year groups, and takes approximately 70 minutes to administer. This includes time to distribute and collect materials and complete identification information, as well as actual testing time. Forms A and B can be administered together.
All Questions on the DPPT-Read follow a multiple-choice format.
Domain Mathematics
Based on Project Maths Syllabi
Format Multiple Choice
Forms A (easier) and B (more difficult)
Administration Time 70 minutes
Administration Format Large or small groups
Scoring Electronic
Reporting Electronic
Subscales Reported Statistics & Probability; Geometry & Trigonometry; Number & Measures; Algebra & Functions
Content of DPPT-Maths
Each form of the DPPT-M comprises 45 items, including 16 common maths items. To follow the Project Maths approach and syllabus, the assessment framework for the test has two main dimensions which are used to report student performance – ‘Mathematics Content’ and ‘Cognitive Process Skills’. The ‘Mathematics Content’ of the test items is organised in strands and includes: (i) Statistics & Probability; (ii) Geometry & Trigonometry; (iii) Number & Measure; (iv) Algebra & Functions. Two broad clusters of process skills are assessed and reported on: ‘Recall & Implement’; and ‘Reason & Problem Solve’.
Scoring and Reporting
The DPPT-Read is completed on a machine-scorable answer sheet that is available from the Educational Research Centre. The same answer sheet is used for the DPPT-Maths and the DPPT-Read (and hence a student needs just one answer sheet for both tests). Answer sheets can be returned to the ERC for scoring. The ERC will then forward reports to schools that include overall scores and subscale scores.